Arrowhead Farm in Newburyport MA

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Tree Fruit Sponsorship

Everyone at Arrowhead wants to recognize the following people for their participation in the Sponsor-A-Tree Program! Not only are they helping Arrowhead plant the first commercial stone fruit orchard since 1910, they are investing in the future of local food sustainability in Newburyport. You can sponsor a tree yourself, either print out the Sponsorship Brochure and send/bring it to us, or use our PayPal option and tell us what type of tree and any extra information. Each tree sponsorship is $25.

Thank you to: Alan Rolfe, Kaitlin Morris, Matthew MacDougall, Jenn Mosher, Peter & Candace Erickson, Stephanie Szentmiklosy & Richard Rittenour, Sandi Pilt & Kathleen Schoonmaker, Paula Jorgenson, Courtney Bleau, In Memory of Yvonne Vecchia by Ron Campbell, In Memory of Carole Gustafson (who loved flowers, trees, and nature of all sorts),

Planting Peaches Plums ripe for the picking Peaches


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Community Supported Sustainable Agriculture LLC at Arrowhead
131 Old Ferry Road; Newburyport MA 01950
P: (978) 465 8109 | F: (978) 499 8822 |

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